Resep Masakan Harvest Moon: Save the Homeland

Resep Masakan Harvest Moon: Save the Homeland

Di Harvest Moon: Save the Homeland, kamu dapat memasak setelah memiliki dapur (pergilah ke Carpenter House). Memesan dapur akan mendapatkan perkakas memasak (Frying Pan, Pot, dan Oven).

Untuk mulai memasak berdiri di depan perkakasan dan tekan X. Kamu kemudian dapat memilih sampai 3 bahan dari dalam ransel untuk dimasak. Kemudian tekan Start untuk mulai memasak.

Resep Masakan

Frying Pan
Resep Bahan
Cheese Omelette Egg, Cheese
Cooked Fish Fish
Fruit Omelette Egg, Very Berry
Mixed Omelette Egg, Tomato
Pancake Egg, Breadfruit, Milk
Sandwich 1 Soft Bread, Hard Boiled Egg
Sandwich 2 Soft Bread, Tomato
Sandwich 3 Soft Bread, Cheese
Sauteed Fish w/Cream Large Fish, Milk, Herb
Simple Omelette Egg, Milk
Special Cheese Omelette Egg, Special Cheese
Sunny Side Up Egg
Blueberry Jam Blueberry, Blueberry, Blueberry
Bouillabaise Fish, Tomato
Cheese Large Milk
Cranberry Jam Cranberry, Cranberry, Cranberry
Cream of Corn Soup Milk, Corn
Cream of Mushroom Soup Milk, Mushroom
Cream of Tomato Soup Milk, Tomato
Cream Soup Milk, Potato
Hard Boiled Egg Egg
Hot Milk Small Milk
Mixed Berry Jam 1 Blueberry, Cranberry
Mixed Berry Jam 2 Cranberry, Very Berry
Mixed Berry Jam 3 Blueberry, Very Berry
Mixed Jam Blueberry, Cranberry, Very Berry
Special Cheese Golden Milk
Very Berry Jam Very Berry, Very Berry, Very Berry
Yogurt Medium Milk
Resep Bahan
Cake Milk, Egg, Breadfruit
Cheesecake Milk, Cheese, Breadfruit
Flan Milk, Egg
Fruit Cake Milk, Fruit, Breadfruit
Fruit Flan Milk, Egg, Very Berry
Honey Cake Honey, Egg, Breadfruit
Leaf-Grilled Fish Fish, Herb
Simple Cake Small Milk, Egg, Breadfruit
Special Cheesecake Milk, Special Cheese, Breadfruit

Bahan Masakan

Kamu bisa mendapatkan semua bahan masakan dari semua ini.

Blueberry dan Very Berry: Temukan di Praria Forest dan Walnut Forest selama Spring dan Summer.
Cranberry: Temukan di Praria Forest dan Walnut Forest selama Summer dan Fall.
Full Moon Berry: Temukan di Walnut Forest dekat Sunny Garden Cafe selama Fall.
Mushroom: Temukan di Praria Forest, Walnut Forest, dan Harvest Goddess Lake selama Fall.
Herb: Temukan di Praria Forest, Walnut Forest, Harvest Goddess Lake setiap musim.
Ikan: Dapatkan di danau Maple.
Tomato, Corn, Potato, dan Breadfruit: Tanam di kebun.
Susu: Hasil dari sapi.
Telur: Hasil dari ayam.
Madu, Soft Bread, Cheese: Beli di Supermarket.
Cheese dan Special Cheese: Memasak.

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